Li Yuying
Xu Chunjiang
Li Yafei
Wang Dong
Huang Lian
Ingo Hein
Ingo Hein是詹姆斯赫顿研究所马铃薯遗传学的负责人,在邓迪大学担任联合职务。 他于2003年获得博士学位,在从事大麦和乌藨子分子基因组学研究后,自2006年以来一直专注于马铃薯遗传学。 他工作的主要是研究威胁全球马铃薯生产晚疫病的抗病性。 他的研究探索了野生马铃薯的多样性,以获得新的性状,通过最先进的基因组学和遗传学技术推进发现。 Ingo建立了一个国际研究网络,在南非和中国担任主席职位,并从BBSRC,Innovate UK,EU Horizon,全球挑战研究基金会(GCRF)以及直接从行业获得资金。 他的工作将科学研究和育种联系起来,旨在开发满足工业,种植者和消费者需求的马铃薯品种。 与CIP/CCCAP的成功联合项目加快了CIP开展业务的LMC国家抗病马铃薯品种的培育。
Ingo Hein is the Head of Potato Genetics at the James Hutton Institute, holding a joint position at the University of Dundee. He obtained his PhD in 2003 and, after working on barley and raspberry molecular genomics, has been focused on potato genetics since 2006. The chief driver of his work is identifying disease resistance against the most important pathogens that threaten global potato production. His research explores the diversity in wild potatoes for new traits, advancing discoveries through state-of-the-art genomics and genetics technologies. Ingo has built an international network, holding chair positions in South Africa and China and securing funding from the BBSRC, Innovate UK, EU Horizon, Global Challenges Research Foundation (GCRF), and directly from industry. His work connects scientific research and breeding, aiming to develop potato cultivars that meet the needs of industry, growers, and consumers. Successful joint projects with CIP/CCCAP have expedited the breeding of disease-resistant potato varieties for LMC countries in which CIP operates.
Ram Bahadur Khadka
CIP的访问科学家。 他正在使用基因组学和表型学工具描述尼泊尔的Phytophtora infestans群体结构。 他还致力于开发尼泊尔晚疫病预测模型。 Ram还担任AsiaBlight区域代表,与其他合作伙伴合作推进马铃薯疾病可持续管理方面的科学研究和知识交流。 他还在尼泊尔农业研究理事会担任科学家,领导一个由美国国际开发署-饲料未来园艺创新实验室资助的项目“减轻土传疾病,改善尼泊尔小农的生计和粮食安全”。 在NARC,他还领导着分子植物病理学实验室,主要目标是尼泊尔病毒和真菌病原体的分子表征。 目前,Ram正致力于使用基于PCR的方法在尼泊尔建立马铃薯种子认证系统。 Khadka博士于2007年获得农业学士学位,于2009年获得特里布万大学农业植物病理学硕士学位,并于2021年获得美国俄亥俄州州立大学植物病理学博士学位。
Dr. Ram Bahadur Khadka is an Adjunct Scientist at CIP. He is working in characterizing the populations of Phytophtora infestans in Nepal using both genomic and phenomics tools. He is also working on developing a predictive model for late blight forecasting in Nepal. Ram also represents AsiaBlight as a Regional Representative, where he is collaborating with other partners in advancing scientific research and knowledge exchange in sustainable management of potato diseases. He also works as a scientist at the Nepal Agricultural Research Council where he is leading a project “Mitigating soilborne diseases to improve smallholder farmers’ livelihoods and food security in Nepal” funded by USAID-Feed the Future-Innovation Lab for Horticulture. In NARC he is also leading the Molecular Plant Pathology Lab with a primary goal in molecular characterization of viral and fungal pathogens in Nepal. Currently, Ram is working on establishing a potato seed certification system in Nepal using PCR-based methods. Dr. Khadka received BS in agriculture in 2007 and an MS in agriculture with Plant Pathology from Tribhuvan University in 2009 and a PhD in Plant Pathology from The Ohio State University, USA in 2021.
Waqas Raza
Waqas Raza 巴基斯坦博士毕业。 最近,他开始担任南京农业大学的“博士后研究员”和AsiaBlight的“区域协调员”。 在这一作用中,他负责担任两个机构之间的联络人。 他的主要目标是开发一个综合模型,用于预测马铃薯晚疫病(PLB)的病原体致病疫霉(Phytophthora infestans)种群的潜在变化,并调查该病原体的地理和进化进程,最终目的是制定有效的管理策略。 他的目标是促进知识交流,相互学习,并在我们各自的专业领域共享进步。 通过与AsiaBlight合作伙伴的合作,我们努力取得重大进展,并为预测潜在病原菌群体结构变化做出贡献。
Dr. Waqas Raza, Ph.D. (Pak.) has recently commenced his position as a “Postdoctoral Researcher” at Nanjing Agricultural University and “Head of Regional Representatives” for Asia-Blight (A collaboration network) at the CIP-CCCAP, China. In this role, he is entrusted with the responsibility of serving as a liaison between the both institutions. His primary objective is to develop a comprehensive model for predicting potential changes in the population of the destructive pathogen Phytophthora infestans, the causal agent of Potato Late Blight (PLB) and investigate the geographical and evolutionary progression of this pathogen, with the ultimate aim of formulating effective management strategies. His goal is to facilitate knowledge exchange, mutual learning, and shared advancements in our respective areas of expertise. By working together with the Asia blight partners, we strive to achieve significant progress and contribute to the collective understanding of predicting potential population changes.